时间:2014-12-18 来源:
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报告题目:Double Diffusive Convection
报 告 人:杨延涛
In this talk we will report our recent studies on the double diffusive convection. First we will briefly review the turbulence related researches in our group, which includes the multiphase turbulence, the numerical and experimental studies of the Taylor-Couette flow, and the thermal convection flow. Recently, we extend our research to the so-called double diffusive convection flow, which is the buoyancy-driven flow with the fluid density depending on two components. These two components usually have very different molecular diffusivities, such as in the ocean where the ratio of the thermal diffusivity to that of the salinity is around 100. Very rich and interesting phenomena can be found in such flow. Here we conduct a systematically numerical investigation of the double diffusive convection between two parallel plates. We apply the Grossmann-Lohse theory for thermal convection to the current problem and show that the theory can predict the salinity transfer very accurately without introducing any new coefficient.