研究成果 主要成果:提出黑潮以一个反气旋阶梯状结构入侵东海陆架,并首次定量给出了夏季黑潮入侵东海陆架的近岸分支的水通量及其输入的磷酸盐量,该数值比长江输入的量高一个量级,给出了其影响浙江外海生态过程的可能机制,为从大洋与近海的协同作用的角度研究东海营养盐的来源提供了科学依据。在南海西北部观测发现了上凸型内孤立波,研究了内波对台风的响应过程及机理;发现南海北部半日内潮存在多模态结构及非平稳性,对“第一模态平稳内潮主导能量”的传统观点补充了新的认识。 代表性论文 1)Xu Zhenhua,Yin Baoshu ,2014. Temporal variability and north-south asymmetry of internal tides in the deep basin west of Luzon Strait,J.Marine Systems, Vol.134,6.,102-1121. 2)Xu Zhenhua,Yin Baoshu,2013. Variability of internal tides and near-inertial waves on the continental slope of the northwestern South China Sea,J.Geophys. Res., doi:10.1029/2012JC008212. 3) Yang Dezhou,Yin Baoshu, 2013.Numerical study on the origins and the forcing mechanism of the phosphate off the coast of Zhejiang province, China in summer, J.Marine Systems, 123–124 (2013) 1–18. 4) Feng Xingru, Yin Baoshu and Yang Dezhou,2012.Impact of typhoon paths on storm surge in Tianjin China, Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science, 106,58-68. 5) Yang Dezhou,Yin Baoshu,Liu Zhiliang,Feng Xingru,2012.Numerical study on the pattern and origins of Kuroshio intrusion branches on the southern East China Sea shelf in summer, J.Geophys.Res., Vol. 117, C02014, doi:10.1029/2011JC007528. 6)Yang Hongwei, Yin Baoshu,Shi Yunlong, 2012.Forced dissipative Boussinesq equation for solitary waves excited by unstable topography, Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol.70,No.2,1389-1396, DOI 10.1007/s11071-012-0541-9. 7) Xu Zhenhua,Yin Baoshu and Hou Yijun,2011. Response of internal solitary waves to tropical storm Washi in the northwestern South China Sea, Annales Geophysicae (ANGEO),29,2181-2187, 1.64. 8) Feng Xingru,Yin Baoshu,et al,2011.The effect of wave-induced radiation stress on storm surge during Typhoon Saomai (2006), Acta Oceanologia Sinica,Vol.30,No.3,P20-26,. 9) Yang Dezhou,Yin Baoshu,Liu Zhiliang,Feng Xingru,2011. Numerical study of the ocean circulation on the East China Sea Shelf and a Kuroshio bottom branch northeast of Taiwan in summer,J.Geophys.Res.,doi:10.1029/2010JC006777. 10) Xu Zhenhua,Yin Baoshu,Hou Yijun 2011. Multimodal structure of the internal tides on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea, Estuarine,Coastal and Shelf Science, 95,178-185. 11) Xu Zhenhua,Yin Baoshu,Yijun Hou, Zhisong Fan, Antony K. Liu,2010.Observations of elevation and depression internal solitary waves on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea, Acta Oceanologia Sinica, Vol. 29, No. 3, P. 18-25. 12)Liu Hao,Yin Baoshu,2010. Numerical investigation of nutrient limitations in the Bohai Sea, Marine Environmental Research,1-10. 13)Yin Baoshu, Xu Zhenhua, Huang Yong, Lin Xiang,2009. Simulation of Typhoon Storm Surge in the East Sea of China with a Coupled model, Progress in Natural Sciences,Prog. Nat Sci, 19,65-71. 14) Huang Yong,Yin Baoshu,2008. The response of summertime extreme wave heights to local climate variation in the East China Sea, J.Geophys.Res.,Vol. 113, C09031, doi:10.1029/2008JC004732.